On the spot - How to stop youth dropout!

Project’s place and date: 11-21 October, 2018, Alsótold, Hungary

Participating countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Poland, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Hungary

Number of participants: 25

Trainers: Andrea Sónyák-Nikovics, Dóra Preszeller


The percentage of high-school drop outs and early school leaving is still high all over in Europe. In 2013 in Hungary those who start secondary school, but finish it without a qualification, was around 11%, and this was similar or even higher in other EU countries. One of the five headline targets of the Europe 2020 strategy is to reduce the share of early school leavers from the current 15 % EU average to 10 %. The definition of early school leavers is the group of young people in the age 18-24 who does not have a secondary school qualification and not attending school either. It means that they will have less opportunity on the labour market because of the lack of qualification, they have less-paid jobs, and as a result less opportunity in life in general. They are endangered by poverty criminalization, long-term unemployment, and bad socio-economical and health conditions.

Our project has a focus on the prevention of dropout and the empowerment of endangered young people. We have designed a training where youth workers get the methods and tools to tackle the problem of early school leaving with competence development, study visits, and sharing good practices. During the training course they discovered and understood the main motives and problems behind early school leaving, met and shared good practices, and developed new methods together as well. As a result of the course, they got a whole package of tools and competences to help successfully those young people who are endangered by dropout. This toolbox is being available in a form of a booklet to multiply the results of the training course.