
DUDE! - Discover, Understand, Diversity, Erasmus


During the exchange program, the participants got to know various subcultures, got a new understanding of how cultural differences play role in people’s socialization. Programs improved their tolerance and supported their accepting attitude toward “other” people, and helped them to establish a behavior free of prejudice. In our opinion, we have fully achieved this goal with our project, since by the end of the program, young people became more accepting and open-minded thanks to those program elements which they had been active participants and shapers.

The participants worked in mixed, 7-member groups, and made a video project, where they had to draw attention to the wrong stereotypes regarding subcultures and emphasized the importance of acceptance of each other. The videos concerned various topics, such as discrimination of minorities,hooligans or gambling addicted people. The completed videos were presented to the local high school students and the mayor on the 7th day of the program.

The camp was located in the ‘Fürdőkerti Ifjúsági Szabadidőközpont’, Hajdúböszörmény. A total of 35 participants from 5 countries (Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia) took part in the exchange program.


The participants worked in mixed, 7-member groups, and made a video project, where they had to draw attention to the wrong stereotypes regarding subcultures and emphasized the importance of acceptance of each other.
The videos concerned various topics, such as discrimination of minorities,hooligans or gambling addicted people.
The completed videos were presented to the local high school students and the mayor on the 7th day of the program.


Recognition determines success and power.